Design a mock-up to show what you're imagining.

When a project is assigned with a timeline, it’s hard to justify a prototype or fully-designed storyboard. Once in a while, however, a project comes your way that allows for this extra layer of collaboration. This project was focused on a user’s navigation on a website. It’s also a great tool in eLearning development, and because everything is vector-based, all elements can be repurposed in other software programs.

One thing I like about prototyping with this tool is that you don’t need to do any exports in order to present the proposed experience. Simple to design, simple to present, simple to make changes, and simple to open in another program to finish the design, animation, or programming.

Department: User Experience

Product: Prototype Design

Software: Adobe XD

What I learned

Designers have tricks when it comes to streamlining workflow so you don’t have to copy and paste a color code a million times. I learned a few tricks for repurposing elements in this software.

What I'd do differently

I built the entire thing out without using a staging area in which assets were referenced. While it was fine for the initial presentation, it’s not fine for passing off to another person.