It takes a village...

This was a family event – all of us volunteering our time in some way. Yes, after capturing the video, I did help with the sod. Though it was hot, the energy at the park was wonderful and filled with love. Giving your time and talent in an effort that is greater than yourself is always worthwhile. This park in Colorado City, Arizona hosts a magnificent Fourth of July event, and the goal was to have the park fully improved before the event. Indeed it was completed on time, and we were lucky enough to participate in the Fourth of July celebration with the town.

This short documentation video illustrates just a fraction of the effort that went into completing the park.

Department: Social Media

Product: Documentary Video

Software: Premiere Pro

What I learned

This was the first project using a gimbal stabilizer with the camera – after months of being unsatisfied with tripod (boring) or hand-held (shaky) captures.

What I'd do differently

I’d keep the camera out for an additional 20 minutes and capture more diversity in how people were contributing in ways besides where the main action was taking place.